one-stop-shop for sustainable architecture + construction

Betsy Littrell - Owner/ Architect

Austin Littrell - Owner/ Craftsman

Alayne Tadlock - Business Admin Assistant

Ben Klise - Project Admin Assistant

Inspired by Tennessee’s state wildflower - the ‘maypop’ - we provide design, building + brokerage for people who want to live extraordinary lives at home & vote with their dollar for a healthy life + planet.

Maypop Building Workshop was started by Betsy and Austin Littrell in 2019; an architect and a craftsman respectively. It began as a pursuit of sustainable, design-driven construction and real estate development in and around Nashville, TN. We provide tailored, sustainable architecture + construction services with an in-house carpentry team that specializes in “healthy, high performance’ homes and bespoke carpentry details. We like a challenge and do it the right way the first time.

Maypop Property Co-Op is Betsy’s sales team at PARKS Real Estate with her brokerage buddy, Rebecca Cooper. It is the real estate arm of Maypop Building Workshop and offers a fully-integrated brokerage solution.